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Showing posts from May, 2020

The 3 steps to implement a new supply chain process

When we talk about "process change", you will be challenged with many questions and will receive negative feedback from your stakeholders. As a behavior people resist change because they might lost somethings or fear that they will not able to adapt to the new ways. So what is a good way to change your company's supply chain process? This article I am going to share my experience and the way I took into almost my projects, for me it could be one of the best methods to implement a new supply chain process. 1. Drawing the whole value stream (Value Stream Mapping/ Design) In my point of view, the best way is to start from big picture, so your stakeholder can image the whole process and know where/what is the change. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) refers the a detailed visualization of all steps from product or service creation to delivering it to the end-customer, also known as "material and information flow mapping". VSM is a lean management method for analy